How To Break DAG Lineage in Apache Spark — 3 Methods
In this post, I will introduce you to 3 methods how you can Brak DAG
Lineage in Apache Spark. It’s very possible that 1 of them you weren’t
even aware of! Check if you know all 3 methods which, depending on the
conditions and requirements, can save you a lot of time!
- What is DAG?
- Apache Spark Break DAG Lineage
- Why do we need to break DAG Lineage?
- Where to see the DAG graph?
- How do break DAG Lineage?
- #1: Checkpoint
- #2: LocalCheckpoint
- #3: ReCreate DataFrame / DataSet
Read more:
Credits: Big Data Etls in
Photo by <a href="">Fabrizio Conti</a> on <a href="">Unsplash</a>
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