Test of the Microsoft Azure Data Science VM


If you get an Azure subscription and you need to do some data science, why do not try the MS Linux VM dedicated to DataScience.

It contains main tools useful for us:
  • Microsoft R Server Developer Edition
  • Anaconda Python distribution
  • Jupyter notebook (with R, Python kernels)
  • Visual Studio Community Edition
  • Power BI desktop
  • SQL Server 2016 Developer Edition
  • Machine learning tools
    • Computational Network Toolkit (CNTK): A deep learning software toolkit from Microsoft Research.
    • Vowpal Wabbit: A fast machine learning system supporting techniques such as online, hashing, allreduce, reductions, learning2search, active, and interactive learning.
    • XGBoost: A tool providing fast and accurate boosted tree implementation.
    • Rattle (the R Analytical Tool To Learn Easily): A tool that makes getting started with data analytics and machine learning in R easy, with GUI-based data exploration, and modeling with automatic R code generation.
    • mxnet: a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility
  • Libraries in R and Python for use in Azure Machine Learning and other Azure services
  • Git including Git Bash to work with source code repositories including GitHub, Visual Studio Team Services
  • Windows ports of several popular Linux command-line utilities (including awk, sed, perl, grep, find, wget, curl etc) accessible through command prompt. 
Read more here:
